Aunt Rose’s Trifle

  When I was in sixth grade, my Grandma Bednarz, Aunt Eva, my mom and I made a trip out to Pennsylvania to visit my Aunt Rose and Uncle Bill. During this visit, I got my first taste of two desserts: Breyer's Vanilla Bean ice-cream (which at the time was Uncle Bill's favorite) and this […]

fresh sourdough bread

Finishing Touches and Update on “Yes, We Ate Turtle”

Sometimes life gets in the way of things like writing a family cookbook. It’s been awhile since I’ve written to my Sojourns page, but it was time. The whole reason I wanted a page like this was to have a place where I share my offbeat comedy, maybe a goobery poem, a strange thought or […]

Cherry Wine

  This Cherry wine recipe is from Aunt Bea. When assembling this cookbook, I teased her a little about how much homemade wine was available at the farm, so asked if she had any recipes for me. Yes, she did! Enjoy!